Katrina Garrier: The MBA Student
Name: Katrina Garrier
Occupation: MBA student
Currently Living In: New York City
Travel Motto: Travel responsibly. Exploring the world is a true adrenaline rush but be sure to practice safety precautions since you are unfamiliar with the new environment you are in.
Favorite Travel Destinations: Most countries in South America because they are filled with rich cultural experiences and are pretty affordable due to their proximity to the U.S. (plus, I get to practice my Spanish).
What Makes Her Want to See the Globe: After traveling to many second and third world countries, I realized that travel is a luxury and that the globe is not easily accessible to most. I want to take full advantage of the opportunity I have to see the world and impart my learnings onto those who may not have a chance to experience it for themselves. As an MBA student, I am most interested in gaining first-hand perspective on the global economy and emerging markets.
Ultimate Bucket List Trip: Greece! The pictures are absolutely stunning. It is the type of beauty I need to see to believe.
Best Way to Maximize Vacation Days: Tacking on vacay days to long holiday weekends are always a great idea. Once you're at your destination, pack in as many activities into your schedule as possible. Busy days make your vacation seem longer. In addition, plan your itinerary ahead of time so your days are productive. You don't want to spend precious time in your dream destination figuring out what to do next.
Advice for Those Who Want to Travel More: For those who want to visit more places, try to cover as many countries as possible in one trip. Extend layovers and go on cruises (great bang for your buck!).