Jessica van Dop DeJesus: The Dining Traveler
Name: Jessica van Dop DeJesus
Occupation: Travel Media Specialist
Currently Living In: Washington, D.C.
Travel Motto: You can find inspiration in a 12-hour flight or a 12-minute drive.
Favorite Travel Destinations: Puerto Rico, Thailand, Austria, Belgium
What Makes Her Want to See the Globe: You always learn something new, not only about a destination but about yourself.
Ultimate Bucket List Trip: An RV trip across New Zealand.
Best Way to Maximize Vacation Days: Mix holidays and weekends with your travel. Work out a telework agreement with your boss to stay more days at your destination. Working from a patio with an ocean view always makes me more productive.
Advice for Those Who Want to Travel More: One of the things I hear the most is, "I don't have money." If you start cooking at home, making your own coffee and cutting your cable service, I can guarantee you can have money for a plane ticket to Europe in less than a year!