The Globe Getter

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Ali Gaffey: Ali in Oz

Name: Ali Gaffey

Occupation: Educator on a career break


Currently Living In: Australia! I've spent my first three months in Sydney and am moving to Melbourne next. 

Travel Motto: Spend money on two things: new experiences and delicious food.

Favorite Travel Destinations: I only started traveling a year and a half ago, but I've started a list of my new favorite spots. Italy was my first destination and is at the top of my list for food — pizza, pasta and gelato; is there anything better? Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica is next with its unique mix of Pura Vida and Caribbean feels. And, I have to shout out Freycinet National Park in Tasmania for its beautiful beaches, including Wineglass Bay. 

What Makes Her Want to See the Globe: Travel photos on Instagram ... and also the knowledge that there's a whole world out there to explore with people, places, cultures, food and history that is different from my own. The travel bug is real. Once you start seeing the world from a new perspective, it's difficult to stop.

Ultimate Bucket List Trip: Just as I love international exploration, I also believe it's important to explore parts of your own country. This trip has been on my bucket list for a while now, and I'm hoping I can make it a reality soon: I'd love to start in Alaska and cruise down the coast, stopping in Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, Napa Valley and along California to finish in Mexico. Whew! I'll need a fair amount of time for that one. 

Best Way to Maximize Vacation Days: Take advantage of every holiday opportunity. Have a three-day weekend coming up? Where can you go that's close by but far enough to be a change of pace? Or make it a four-day weekend with an extra vacation day and travel a little further this time. You don't always have to fly halfway across the world to experience someplace new. 

Advice for Those Who Want to Travel More: Don't let fear be the reason you decide not to travel. This could be fear of being alone, fear of spending money, fear of missing work ... Whatever it may be, just go. You won't regret the choice to explore more of your world.