Shreta Arora: The Adrenaline Junkie
Name: Shreta Arora
Occupation: Travel writer; photographer; presenter. Currently, I work on cruise ships in the entertainment sector as a host and event planner and organizer.
Currently Living In: Goa, India
Travel Motto: Travel is my oxygen!
Favorite Travel Destinations: For now? Has to be Alaska! Everything about it is beautiful. I wish to climb the ice caps in Greenland and play with penguins in the Antarctic. There is something about mountains that is unexplained. Travel is such, as you see more and grow, your favorite changes.
What Makes Her Want to See the Globe: Experiences! Adventure! Cultures! Food! To be able to see and know why and how people live the way they do in different parts of the world is a rush. Travel quenches my thirst for wanderlust. I am a big adrenaline junkie. Whatever gets my blood pumping makes me smile.
Ultimate Bucket List Trip: The whole world! No, seriously, I want to go everywhere. I want to see what others don't. I also wish to be able to BASE jump one day!
Best Way to Maximize Vacation Days: Want it from your gut. Just like you wish for a good job, house, family, money... wish for travel like that. Whether a vacation, holiday or a backpacking trip, do your research and fix your days. Combine weekends with public holidays; it is the best free time in your calendar, and you didn't even push your boss for it. Make a 'travel piggy bank.' If you think you will lose the control and spend that money, let someone else trustworthy take care of it.
Advice for Those Who Want to Travel More: Move, move, move. No book will teach you what your own experiences will. It is a universal gift; share it. The more you share the more you will get. You will thank yourself for it. Research as much as you can, even more than you can; you will trust your instincts better. Let the fear of going to the unknown drive you even more.