Last year, I deleted almost all of my social media apps (except LinkedIn) and disconnected from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (minus my travel alerts) and Snapchat (just kidding, I never go on Snapchat) for a little over a month (and I hadn’t yet learned what this Tik Tok thing was that all the kids love). It was glorious. And, strangely, not that hard.
In fact, I felt like I had so much more time to do so many more things, like read, think, plan, observe, have more in-person interactions... and I realized the hardest part of not being on social media was when I wanted to share something interesting that I was doing with whoever wanted to see it, which felt self-serving and certainly silly. Why did I feel it was important to share on Instagram?
Anyway, it was a great break and helped me re-engage with social media more mindfully...for a few months. Now, I feel like I’m back to where I was before last year’s social media break. I go on social media without thought or intention. I scroll mindlessly at times, though I definitely think I’m on social media much less than in the past. I’ve found it’s become something I end up on at night before I go to bed and sometimes in the morning before work, but even these interactions don’t have much of an objective except it’s become habit again.
So, it’s time to reset. Again. It’s time for a social media break. Again.
Like last year, I’ll spend the month of March off of social media. Why March? Well, it started a few years ago when I used to disconnect for a few days when I would travel for my birthday. Then, last year I thought let’s just do my entire birthday month, and that’s how I ended up making March my social media break month.
I know it will be challenging for me, especially when I travel, BUT this is even more reason to do it. I don’t need to travel and then jump on social media to share what I’m doing. Yes, I admit, I like doing that, but it’s certainly not a necessity, and I think it’s healthy for me to break that habit once in awhile and just disconnect.
I’ll also still be posting on my blog, since this isn’t social media and I don’t need to avoid my own platform. But otherwise, it’s a 👎🏾 to social media.
Anyway, wish me luck! Hopefully this time around will feel as easy as last time, and I’ll feel just as refreshed and healthy of mind.
See ya in April, social media ✌🏾